Friday, October 21, 2011

Winder idame
Class M
1.What is something that you like about this mini-project?
 What I like about this project is the presentation and the fact that I learn a lot of things that I didn’t know.

2.What was difficult for you on this project
  The things that was difficult for me was the words that I did not understand which got me confused.

3.What would you change about your work on this project?The thing that I would change about this project is the definitions because the next definition that I put is better than the first one?
how did this project help you learn about hurricane Irene? I learn a lot of things that I didn't know before and that people can affected by the damages that it causes after destroying houses and killing animals.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011


venus_hemi_left.jpg (300×300)
Planet Order: 7
Distance from the Sun: million of km
Mass: 4,869x1024 kg
Diameter: 12,104 km
Rotation: 243 days
Revolution: 224,7 days
# of Moons: 0
Planet description (what is it like on this planet?):

  • similar to earth in size and mass
  • thick atmosphere made mostly of carbon dioxide
  • droplets of sulfuric acid in atmosphere give clouds yellowish color 
  • surface has craters, faultlike cracks, and volcanoes
  • greenhouse effect causes surface temperatures of 450 c to 47 c
  • has no moons 

Hurricane Irene Project

Critical Thinking
Winder Idame
Class M

What is hurricane?
Hurricanes are tropical storms that occur in the summer when the water is warm.

2. What is a high tide and what cause it?
The level of water, and the cause is when the moon move around the hearth.

3. What does saturation zone mean?
Most of the time the ground get saturated and it break the street.

4. What is flooding and why is it dangerous?
Flooding is when the water goes onto the street and stays, it is dangerous because when the water run into the street and the water is dirty if they touch it that can makes them get effects, and people can die.